Perfect pencil skirt

This is the Alberta Street Pencil Skirt, which I could have sworn I had already blogged but find I had posted over at the Monthly Stitch but forgotten to cross post back to my own site. It's here.

Anyway, this is a lovely pegged pencil skirt pattern intended for stretch wovens and I'm delighted with how this version turned out and it has had a fair bit of wear since I finally finished it -- it lay in an almost complete state for many months before I finally did the waistband and hem.

The fabric is a stretch cotton from Textile Traders that had sat in the stash for a while and what I love about it is how neatly finished it is. I took my time to check the fit and tweak the waistband and it's so nice to wear. I also added a few inches in length.

And I discovered, while inserting the zip at my sewing group, that the foot I had believed was my invisible zip foot was not, it was a completely different foot, possibly a pintucking foot.

My sewicialist friends helped me identify the actual invisible zip foot in my sewing box and as a result, this is the neatest invisible zip I have ever inserted.

Other things I'm proud of -- the pink binding around the waistband facing and the enclosure of the end of the facing at the zip. I'm not sure what this technique is called, but I learnt is at an Australian Sewing Guild workshop a while back and while it took a bit to get my head around, I love the result, and NO HAND SEWING!


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